This fall, after an intense period of working as a Community Lead for Embark Studios, I wanted to return to the world of XR. And what better way to do that than joining an XR Hackathon? Together with my three team mates, Saad, Micha and Ale we created Best Laid Plans and set about making our idea a reality - in the span of 48 hours.

The Memory Palace is a memory technique first documented by the ancient Greeks. It creates strong memories by connecting data to locations. Our mind stores location memories in another way, so when you combine your physical environment with the data you want to remember it becomes much easier to find your way back to those memories.
Mixed Reality (MR) is the perfect tool for this. The way you can use the Meta Presence Platform to scan and interact with your physical space is nothing short of magic. But there is a constant challenge with creating digitally-assisted memory palaces that until now have been hard to solve. How do you get the data into the application? It works if you have a prepared data set, but what if you want a truly universal tool? The answer is AI.
Using the new integrations with AI SDK's and Unity, the Mnemo app uses ChatGPT to create a dataset for you to learn based on you asking it a question. From that dataset, Mnemonic images are then created using Dall-E. The user places the images in their environment as the data is read by Meta Text-to-speech. This makes Mnemo, even in its prototype form, a truly universal tool, endless in its potential. And this in just 48 hours.
The power and accessibility of XR tools combined with AI is truly astounding. It changes the playing field for app development and supercharges the potential of immersive apps.
Mixed Reality (MR) is the perfect tool for this. The way you can use the Meta Presence Platform to scan and interact with your physical space is nothing short of magic. But there is a constant challenge with creating digitally-assisted memory palaces that until now have been hard to solve. How do you get the data into the application? It works if you have a prepared data set, but what if you want a truly universal tool? The answer is AI.
Using the new integrations with AI SDK's and Unity, the Mnemo app uses ChatGPT to create a dataset for you to learn based on you asking it a question. From that dataset, Mnemonic images are then created using Dall-E. The user places the images in their environment as the data is read by Meta Text-to-speech. This makes Mnemo, even in its prototype form, a truly universal tool, endless in its potential. And this in just 48 hours.
The power and accessibility of XR tools combined with AI is truly astounding. It changes the playing field for app development and supercharges the potential of immersive apps.